raveupdateanalysis.m is the function that is called whenever the user changes a property related an an analysis. This function updates all workspace objects to reflect the current state of the analysis.
When coding your own workspace objects, you will need to call this function at the end of any function that changes the selection. You may also need to call it in other cases as described below.
The syntax for calling raveupdateanalysis is:
You must include at least the first four inputs, but it is recommended that you include the first 6. The last input is always optional.
The inputs are:
- src - any handle that can be used to retrieve the guidata.
- ev - unused
- updatetype - one of the keywords listed in the next section, used to specify which update should be done
- skipthese - (usually empty) a vector of integer indices into handles.allgraphs indicating which graphs should be skipped entirely (not updated). Use this for efficiency if the function that is calling raveupdateanalysis has already updated one or more graphs. You could also use "setdiff(1:numel(handles.allgraphs),ai)" to ONLY update graph ai.
- d - a data set index, indicating that only graphs belonging to this data set should be updated
- a - an analysis index, indicating that only graphs belonging to this analysis should be updated
- thisxdial - an index into the columns of data set d, indicating which variable's current value was changed. The raveupdateKEYWORDxdials functions could potentially use this information to run more efficiently (i.e. if the graph does not display this variable, it does not need to update).
Update Types
The following updates are controlled by raveupdateanalysis. To do one of these updates, call raveupdateanalysis with the keyword listed below as the 3rd argument.
Current Values
Keyword: xdials
Selected Rows
Keyword: isselected
Row Colors
Keyword: rowcolors
Visible/Hidden Rows
Keyword: visiblerows
Keyword: constraints
Variable Colors
Keyword: variablecolors
Keyword: isfiltered