Rave Preferences
From Rave Documentation
Revision as of 16:43, 14 November 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Introduction= Many parameters that affect how Rave works and looks are contained in the Rave Preferences file, raveprefs.mat. This file is created when you install Rave, and you...")
Many parameters that affect how Rave works and looks are contained in the Rave Preferences file, raveprefs.mat. This file is created when you install Rave, and you should keep it in your normal MATLAB working directory (i.e. the directory shown in the address bar at the top of the window when you start MATLAB).
Manually Changing Preferences
Some preferences can be changed within Rave, but others must be changed manually by editing the raveprefs.mat file. (Of course, you can change ALL preferences this way if you like.)
To change preferences:
- Make a back-up copy of your raveprefs.mat file just in case.
- In MATLAB, navigate to the directory that contains your raveprefs.mat file. This is important to prevent multiple copies from being created when you save it.
- At the command prompt, type "load raveprefs"
- At the command prompt type "raveprefs.PREFERENCENAME = PREFERENCEVALUE;" to assign a new value, where PREFERENCENAME is the name of the preference you wish to change, and PREFERENCEVALUE is the new value you want to assign.
- When you are finished making changes, type "save raveprefs raveprefs" (yes, two raveprefs)
The changes will take effect the next time you start Rave.