Rave Preferences
From Rave Documentation
Revision as of 20:14, 3 August 2012 by Matt (Talk | contribs) (→Preferences that control the appearance of graphs)
Many parameters that affect how Rave works and looks are contained in the Rave Preferences file, raveprefs.mat. This file is created when you install Rave, and you should keep it in your normal MATLAB working directory (i.e. the directory shown in the address bar at the top of the window when you start MATLAB).
Manually Changing Preferences
Some preferences can be changed within Rave, but others must be changed manually by editing the raveprefs.mat file. (Of course, you can change ALL preferences this way if you like.)
To change preferences:
- Make a back-up copy of your raveprefs.mat file just in case.
- In MATLAB, navigate to the directory that contains your raveprefs.mat file. This is important to prevent multiple copies from being created when you save it.
- At the command prompt, type "load raveprefs"
- At the command prompt type "raveprefs.PREFERENCENAME = PREFERENCEVALUE;" to assign a new value, where PREFERENCENAME is the name of the preference you wish to change, and PREFERENCEVALUE is the new value you want to assign.
- When you are finished making changes, type "save raveprefs raveprefs" (yes, two raveprefs)
The changes will take effect the next time you start Rave.
Preference Names and Values
This section lists each preference and explains what it does and the required format for its values.
Preferences that control the appearance of Rave's user interface
Name | Format | Description |
colors.tabbg | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the background of the tabs, and other objects that share this color. |
colors.tabfg | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the border lines that draw the tabs and other objects that share this color. |
colors.wsbg | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The background color of the workspace. |
colors.wsgrid | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the major gridlines in the workspace. The minor gridlines are the average of this color and colors.wsbg. |
colors.frame | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the background area of the Rave window (i.e. the border area around the workspace) and the background color of all popup windows. |
colors.title | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of "title" text objects. For example the |
colors.text | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the text that shows the names of the first row of tabs. This color is also used for many other objects whose color cannot be specified directly. |
colors.texttint | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color of the text that shows the names of the second row of tabs. This will probably be removed in the future. |
colors.buttonbg | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The background color of buttons. Many buttons just use the default color. This is mostly used for java buttons and other times when it seems important to explicitly specify a color. |
colors.togglebuttonbg | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The background color of togglebuttons. This is only here to force toggle buttons render differently on Windows7. |
colors.constraint | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The default color for newly created constraints. |
colors.textbox | a 1x3 colorspec vector | Currently unused. |
Preferences that control the appearance of graphs
Name | Format | Description |
colors.axes{1},colors.axes{2},colors.axes{3},colors.axes{4} | a 5x3 maxtix of 5 colorspec vectors. | These 4 preferences control the graph axes color schemes that are applied by the four "background color" buttons at the top of most graph's format tabs. Each of the four preferences is a 5-row matrix of five colorspecs. The rows of this matrix are, in order: the graph background color, the graph foreground color (used to draw the graph border), the minor grid line color, the major grid line color, the text color (used to draw tick mark labels and axis labels). |
colors.selectionhighlight | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color used to indicate selected data. Different types of graphs use this color in different ways. |
colors.filtered | a 1x3 colorspec vector | The color used to indicate selected data. Different types of graphs use this color in different ways. |
fonts.graph | a string (font name). | The font used to draw graph axis labels and tick mark values. (Note, some graphs may ignore this and use a default font.) |
fonts.graphsize | an integer | The font size used to draw graph axis labels and tick mark values. (Note, some dense graphs may use a smaller font size.) |
fonts.graphtitle | a string (font name). | The font used to draw graph titles. (Note, some graphs may ignore this and use a default font.) |
fonts.graphtitlesize | an integer | The font size used to draw graph titles. |
fonts.textbox | a string (font name). | The default font used when creating a new "Text Box" annotation (or similar annotations). |