From Rave Documentation
Supporting Files
Rave includes several open-source files written by others. These were downloaded from the MATLAB File Exchange.
- Aslib.m and ashape.m by Urs (us) Schwarz FEX Page
- Used by the Alpha Shape explore method.
- Findjobj.m by Yair Altman FEX Page
- Used all over the place to do lots of Java tricks.
- Insidepoly.m (and supporting files) by Bruno Luong FEX Page
- Used as a faster alternative to MATLAB's inpolygon
- Ipdm.m by John D’Errico FEX Page
- Used in creating radial basis functions and in some crowding distance calculations.
- Linewrap.m by Steve Eddins FEX Page
- Used by some matrix graphs to fit text in tight places (will soon be replaced by a more robust alternative)
- Movie2gif.m by Nicolae Cindea FEX Page
- Used to export animations as gifs.
- Paretofront.m/paretofront.mexw32 by Yi Cao FEX Page
- Used to speed up Pareto frontier calculations in some multiobjective optimizers
- Myaa.m by Anders Brun FEX Page
- Used to export antialiased bitmap graphics.
- Print_pdf.m by Oliver Woodford (No longer available on the File Exchange)
- Used to export pdfs.